What is the Best Treatment for Spider Veins?

Updated on: August 18, 2014

For the past 3 decades, the only treatments for spider veins were sclerotherapy and camouflage creams. However, in the last decade, refinements in surgical techniques have led to the development of hand held lasers. Many different types of lasers have been developed and they are fast becoming the treatment of choice for spider veins.

Can spider veins anywhere on the body be treated?

Yes, lasers can be used to treat spider veins on almost any part of the body, except for the eye.

What is so special about the Laser?

Laser treatment does not require the use of any injections and is a much faster procedure compared to sclerotherapy. However, most individuals require 2-3 sessions to have the full cosmetic benefit. The laser is relatively painless, recovery is faster and there is no down time. After the procedure, the skin may have a sun burnt appearance for a few days. This side effect can easily be hidden with some type of camouflage cream.

How do lasers work?

The laser is a hand held device which is held close to the skin and the probe is activated. The laser generates heat which selectively destroys the blood pigment in the spider veins. The spider vein then shrivels and disappears over time. The laser does not harm the surrounding skin. The procedure usually takes about 30-45 minutes. Laser sessions are spaced at intervals of 4-6 weeks.

Can Lasers cure spider veins permanently?

No, Lasers can only treat existing spider veins. With any type of treatment, spider veins will recur sometime in the future and further laser treatment is required.

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