The Origins of Varicose Veins, and How They Can be Treated

Updated on: August 18, 2014

There is a certain way that legs are supposed to look. They are supposed to be correctly proportioned, and in the case of females, hair-free. A woman should be able to show her legs off proudly during warmer weather, but unfortunately there are some women who would rather hide their legs.

The reason for this is often because of varicose veins. These kinds of veins rarely show up in the case of males, and it is thus generally thought of as a feminine problem. While legs can make or break an outfit, they are more important than that – they are, after all, what supports the body's mobility.

Take a moment to look at the insides of your wrists and the tops of your feet. Chances are, you can see at least a couple of veins. No, these are not varicose veins; these indicate a larger network of veins, which run all over the body. When it comes to the legs, the veins are meant to carry blood both to and from the heart.

It really is an amazing thing to take into consideration that two legs are what carries the bulk of a person's weight. If that person is more overweight than is healthy for her body frame, then the circulation in those legs becomes impaired. Of course, this excess weight gain cannot be helped if the woman in question is pregnant.

The excess weight becomes cumbersome for the legs to support, so the heart starts beating faster and faster in an effort to push the blood through the veins. The veins often swell in an effort to accommodate the circulating blood. But, the blood often pools in the veins anyway, and that is how varicose veins start.

It is important to note that there are other ways that these veins can be caused, aside from weight gain. When a woman is constantly walking or running around, those stiletto heels, while cute, are very impractical. Such footwear is only best for those fashionistas who will be sitting more than standing or walking.

Why? Because this footwear puts even more pressure on the legs and feet. When a woman (or a man, for that matter) is constantly on the go, they need footwear that will provide the legs and feet with the proper support. Women who are conscious of this will sometimes commute to work in sneakers, and then change into heels if they know they will be sitting at their desk for most of the day.

Speaking of sitting, were you aware that sitting for long periods of time with your legs crossed can also cause varicose veins? It can, because that is yet another way that leg circulation can be hindered. The ideal way to sit is with the feet up whenever possible.

There are two main ways to treat these kinds of veins. The first way is reserved for people who have a couple of these veins, but the veins are more of a cosmetic worry than anything else. This treatment, known as sclerotherapy, involves medicinal injections to collapse the veins. If the veins prove to be more serious, then the person should get laser therapy treatments.

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