Do Natural Varicose Vein Remedies Really Work?

Updated on: August 18, 2014

The effectiveness of natural varicose vein remedies may vary from one patient to the next in Highland, Illinois and around the nation. With several minimally-invasive treatments such as ambulatory phlebectomy and various laser and light therapies available at many vein clinics, many have found relief from varicose veins and spider veins by removing or destroying the problem veins, but in many cases insurance companies will require more conservative treatment methods before they will cover the cost of treatment. Some patients just do not want to go through a medical procedure whether it is minimally invasive or non-invasive and turn to natural remedies to find relief.

The only way to eliminate varicose veins is by removing them or destroying them. Treating the symptoms of varicose veins via natural remedies is not an effective manner in which to get rid of them, but may help to reduce some of the symptoms of the problem veins. Patients are encouraged to discuss their treatment preferences with a trained vein specialist in the Highland area to help determine whether they may find success and reach their treatment goals through natural remedies or if they may require a procedure to treatment to remove or destroy the problem veins.

One of the advantages of natural varicose vein remedies is that they are less expensive than undergoing treatment in many cases. Dietary changes may benefit veins as well as one's overall health and don't have to cost a fortune. Increasing the fiber intake may improve digestive health and also reduce pressure on varicose veins. Constipation may lead to excessive pressure in the pelvic region and the valves in the veins. Increasing fiber intake by eating foods such as whole grains, vegetables and fruits may help relieve constipation.

Increasing Vitamin C intake may help blood vessels get the support they need to function properly. Vitamin C may help support the vein's structure and overall health, so eating fruits high in Vitamin C or taking a Vitamin C supplement may be helpful. What's more, bioflavonoids may strengthen vein walls according to some because of their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. One possible supplement is grapeseed extract, which may help promote vein health.

Other possible natural remedies include using compresses when experiencing pain or throbbing in the legs. A cool compress may help reduce swelling, while aromatic compresses (soaked in witch hazel and other essential oils) may help soothe the affected area. This may also have an astringent effect, leading the surface veins to contract and reduce swelling.

Taking hot and cold baths may be helpful as well. Some first soak their legs in a warm bath then follow that up with a cool water bath for the legs to reduce pain and improve circulation in the legs. Finally, lying horizontally on the coach or bed may be helpful as well. Rest the feet on pillows a few inches above the heart to encourage blood to drain back towards the body, relieving pressure on the veins and valves.

Before trying any of these natural remedies patients are strongly encouraged to speak with a vein specialist in the Highland area to ensure that it is safe to do so. A vein specialist will help patients determine if these natural remedies are safe and whether they are worth pursuing as a means of relieving symptoms of varicose veins.

Learn more about natural varicose vein remedies in Highland, Illinois.

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