Are You Aware of the Causes of Spider Veins?

Updated on: August 18, 2014

If you have ever happened to see middle aged to elderly women wearing shorts, then chances are you have noticed that they probably have one or two skin imperfections when it comes to visible veins. Although men might have some vein problems as well, women are far more likely to have vein irregularities on their legs.

It is no wonder, then, that many women are curious to know about the causes of spider veins. These kinds of veins are immediately recognizable, because they resemble the legs of a spider (hence their name) and are purplish red in color.

As for the specific causes of spider veins, there are actually quite a few. One of the causes of spider veins, for example, is not wearing the proper footwear while exercising or walking excessively. Too many women have been spotted jogging in tennis shoes instead of athletic sneakers with gel soles. The same is true of women who love to wear pointy high heeled shoes all the time.

Another one of the causes of spider veins is extreme weight gain. If a woman gains too much weight, then her circulatory system is affected. The veins will thus swell to accommodate the blood that is now struggling to move through them.

There are several things that a woman can do in order to prevent these veins from happening. Tennis shoes really are only meant for tennis. High heels can be worn in moderation, but not too much if lots of walking or standing will be done.

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