Arkansas Spider Vein Removal

Updated on: August 18, 2014

Most cosmetic physicians in Arkansas now offer the latest treatment for spider veins. Spider veins, unfortunately, are quite common in women. They may appear as a maze with very fine lines resembling "tree branches". They chiefly occur on the thigh area but can occur on the face, calves and ankles. Because of the blood they contain, they are quite prominent in light skinned individuals. Unlike varicose veins, spider veins are generally not associated with any symptoms. Some women may just have a few spider veins, whereas others may have multiple veins. No one is immune from spider veins and women of all cultures and ethnic background develop them. Why spider veins occur is not known but has been linked to increased pressure in the veins.

Can spider veins resolve on their own?

Spider veins in general do not disappear once they have formed. They are too minute to cause any pain or muscle aches. In all women, spider veins are only of a cosmetic nuisance.

How does one treat spider veins?

The available treatments for spider veins in Arkansas cosmetic clinics include:

- sclerotherapy

- laser

Can Spider veins be cured?

There is no permanent cure for spider veins. One can, however, prevent them from recurring (see below).

Are lasers used in cosmetic clinics in Arkansas?

Yes, Laser therapy is widely used by most cosmetic physicians in Arkansas. It is the most effective therapy to treat spider veins. Most of the health care workers in Arkansas believe that the results of laser therapy are second to none and highly recommend it. Laser treatment cuts down on the time to do the procedure, is less painful and does not involve taking time off work.

How does laser treatment work?

There are a variety of lasers but they all work in a similar fashion. The laser generates heat which permanently destroys the spider vein. The laser is very selective for the blood pigment and does not harm the surrounding tissues. Depending on the number of spider veins, you may require 2-3 sessions for the full benefit of the laser.

Can sclerotherapy be used to treat spider veins?

Yes, sclerotherapy is widely used by most cosmetic physicians in Arkansas. Sclerotherapy is a much older treatment of spider veins compared to lasers. The technique of sclerotherapy involves injection of an irritant chemical into each spider vein. The chemical causes the vein to collapse and eventually disappear. Unlike the laser, sclerotherapy takes a little longer and involves multiple injections- which can be mildly painful. After the procedure, a compression bandage is applied which must be worn for 5-7 days.

What is the best treatment for spider veins?

Most cosmetic physicians believe that the laser produces better and faster results. The laser is also less painful and does not involve the use of any injections. The laser causes less bruising and most people can return to work in 1-2 days. The only negative about laser is the cost- it is slightly more expensive than sclerotherapy.

Who treats spider veins?

Most cosmetic clinics in Arkansas have well trained physicians and other health care professionals who are well acquainted with the treatment of spider veins. Today, both sclerotherapy and laser are available in most cosmetic clinics in Arkansas. At your first visit, you will be examined and the merits of each therapy will be discussed with you.

Do spider veins need to be treated urgently?

No. spider veins are of only a cosmetic concern and the treatment can be done anytime when you are ready.

Can one have spider vein treatments during pregnancy?

No, it is highly recommended that you deliver the baby and wait a few months before treatment.

How can I prevent spider veins?

Prevention is the only cure for spider veins. Preventive measures should include:

- avoid standing for long periods

- get a pair of decent compression stockings

- be active and exercise daily

- if you are overweight, try and lose some weight

Does insurance cover spider vein treatments?

No. Spider veins are considered cosmetic in nature and the cost of treatment is not covered by any insurance carriers. The cost of treating spider veins ranges from $200-400. Most cosmetic clinics in Arkansas will, however, make all necessary financial arrangements to help you get your treatment.

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