Foam Sclerotherapy and Getting Rid of Varicose Veins

Updated on: August 18, 2014

For patients in Albuquerque, New Mexico and throughout the country, getting rid of varicose veins using treatments such as foam sclerotherapy is a priority that has led many to seek treatment at reputable clinics in their area. By speaking with a medical professional, many patients with varicose veins and spider veins have taken the first step in determining which treatment options may provide the best results in eliminating these venous conditions. Many patients may be wary of invasive surgical procedures that many physicians use to get rid of these veins, leading them to seek alternatives such as foam sclerotherapy. In some cases, surgical procedures may be the best or only option, so patients are encouraged to discuss their condition at length with a medical professional.

Varicose veins may cause the legs to feel heavy and has caused aches and pains in many patients. They may also cause swelling in the legs and can be quite aesthetically unappealing as well. The painful, embarrassing nature of this condition has led many to seek treatment. Foam sclerotherapy may be very effective in relieving these symptoms by eliminating varicose veins altogether. Spider veins may also be treated with this procedure, but patients may be encouraged to explore other options.

Foam sclerotherapy works in a way similar to other sclerotherapy treatments. It causes scars to form in the walls of the problem veins. Eventually, the walls will harden and constrict, which will then prevent blood from flowing through the vein. When this happens, the veins disappear. Unlike other sclerotherapy procedures, which rely on a liquid formulation, foam sclerotherapy relies on a foam formulation, similar to the consistency of shaving cream. This is thicker than other treatments and is able to displace the blood in the blood vessel. This extra direct exposure to the vein wall allows it to work more efficiently and effectively. Liquid formulations may become diluted by the bloodflow.

Another distinct advantage of foam sclerotherapy is that it is visible on ultrasound. This means that the placement of the formulation, its spread and its effects may be tracked more effectively than other treatments. Patients should discuss these advantages with a medical professional at a reputable clinic in Albuquerque to determine if foam sclerotherapy is their best option. Patients should discuss their candidacy for this procedure as well. Any person suffering from either varicose veins or spider veins may be considered a candidate for this treatment. However, those with certain blood or cardiovascular conditions may not be considered for this treatment. Women who are pregnant should not undergo foam sclerotherapy treatment. Patients interested in foam sclerotherapy are encouraged to speak with a medical professional to determine if this procedure is right for them.

Before performing this treatment, a topical anesthetic may be used to numb the treatment area. A medical professional will then inject the foam into the treatment area and use ultrasound to ensure its spread. This procedure may take 30 to 45 minutes to perform in most cases. Compression stockings may be used for a couple of days following treatment, although most people are able to resume normal activities immediately following treatment.

The FDA has recently reported that this procedure may come with a higher risk of microembolisms. These are tiny blood clots that may form in the treatment area. Patients should discuss this with a medical professional for more information and to assess the risk. Other less serious risks include redness, itching and bruising. These side effects may reside within a few days following treatment. Patients are always encouraged to speak with a medical professional regarding possible risks and side effects.

Learn more about foam sclerotherapy in Albequerque, New Mexico.

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