Varicose Veins: How They Are Caused During Pregnancy

Updated on: August 18, 2014

Many women long to become mothers, but they do so without any real thought about what their actual pregnancy will be like. Some women have great pregnancies, wherein they remain active throughout, and deliver a healthy baby. However, other women, because of underlying physical conditions or because they're in a high-risk pregnancy become at risk for other things, too.

For example, a woman can start to develop varicose veins during her pregnancy, or immediately after her pregnancy. Most people consider varicose veins to be more of a cosmetic annoyance than anything else. In fact, however, they can also be indicative of a serious medical condition.

When a woman becomes pregnant, she naturally starts gaining weight because of the additional life that is being carried around inside of her. This additional weight puts pressure on the legs, because they obviously hold the brunt of the weight thanks to the laws of gravity. The veins in the legs are thus affected, blood pools within them as they swell in an attempt to accommodate the blood, and varicose veins are the result.

Varicose veins can actually be an indication of cardiovascular disease, too. Why? Because since the blood pooled in the veins, that indicated that it was thicker than normal in the first place. Thus, there could be a real possibility of a clot. However, this shouldn't be something that the woman automatically panics about. Instead, she can find out for sure what the status of her veins are by scheduling an appointment with her doctor.

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