VNUS Closure Fast - 2

Updated on: August 18, 2014
VNUS Closure Fast is a procedure that uses a thin catheter that is inserted into your vein through a tiny incision and your surgeon utilizes an ultrasound to guide him or her through the opening. The catheter uses radiofrequency energy to attack the wall of the effected vein. Once the catheter is removed, the treated vein is heated and sealed shut. This treatment is quick and painless. You should be able to return to work as well as normal activity within a few days.


• No surgery

• Rapid recovery

• Outpatient

• Local or regional anesthetic

• Minimal or no scarring

• Immediate relief of symptoms

From tiny spider veins, to the large varicose type the legs can be home to many types of vein problems. Some veins are small and superficial (spider veins), while others can be very large, bulging out of the skin (varicose veins). Many people with venous disease avoid showing their legs, preferring to hide them under long pants even in the summer months.


The end of the catheter probe heats uniformly to treat the whole vein at once, also the temperature is 248� (120� C) for a faster treatment. Another improvement is that the catheter heats 6.5 cm of the vein at once, instead of just the end of the catheter. Local anesthesia can be injected around the vein to be treated. Patients find the procedure very painless and can return to work the next day. Patients treated with the VNUS Closure FAST method find they have less pain, bruising, and a faster recovery than older treatment techniques. After treatment most patients report their vein symptoms improve in about a week, but the closed veins themselves can take months gradually disappear.

There are numerous cosmetic surgeons in the your area who are innovative in their vein treatment procedures. If you are experiencing problems with spider and varicose veins you can find a vein treatment center in your area now.

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