What is Telangiectasia and How Does Veinwave Treat It? - 1

Updated on: August 18, 2014

Thermocoagulation is used by Veinwave to help individuals in Sioux City, Iowa and in other parts of the country find relief from spider veins or telangiectasia, which are tangled, thread-like veins. This procedure may be used to treat patients with problem veins in the legs, arms, face, knees or ankles, as well as in other parts of the body. Most patients with thin spider veins or telangiectasia are considered candidates for this treatment, although patients should be in good overall health. Those not considered candidates for this procedure include those who are epileptic, have bleeding disorders, wear pacemakers, or women who are pregnant.

All patients are encouraged to discuss their candidacy for this treatment with a Sioux City vein specialist to help ensure the treatment is safe for them. To perform Veinwave, the physician will first clean the injection site, and a fine insulated needle will be used to administer the treatment subepidermally. The vessel itself is not pierced during this procedure. Tiny vessels in the area will be destroyed and should go away quickly. Most treatment sessions of Veinwave take about 15 minutes to perform and there are no bandages required afterwards. There is no pain associated with this procedure for most people because of the fine needle used to administer treatment. Some may feel a brief, tiny pin-prick, however.

Patients are allowed to return to work or resume other normal activities right after receiving treatment with Veinwave, as there is no downtime associated with this minimally-invasive treatment. What's more, there are no bandages required after the treatment, whose results are permanent. Patients will start to see the results right after the treatment and the results should continue to improve over the next few days. Once the veins are treated and done away with by Veinwave, they no longer bother you.

There is a very small risk of scarring with Veinwave, although this is much less than the risk of scarring that is associated with many other procedures designed to treat problem veins. Most are satisfied with their results after only one treatment session, although some patients may require a few treatment sessions to reach their optimal results. Treatment may range from $400 to $800 per session, although this varies depending on the extent of the treatment area. When the treatment is considered cosmetic, most insurance companies will not cover cost, although it is still worth discussing with a vein specialist.

Learn more about Veinwave in Sioux City, Iowa.

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