Why do People Get Spider Veins?

Updated on: August 18, 2014

You have to admit, the fact that everyone's skin is different makes for some pretty interesting irregularities. Of course, it's not so interesting to people who are actually suffering from these skin abnormalities. Indeed, skin can seemingly be clear one day, and spotty the next.

Some skin problems, like spider veins, usually happen when people are older. Spider veins are indeed ugly little things, and they can start small and spread over time. No doubt you've probably seen old people walking around in shorts, their pale legs clearly revealing lots of dark purple spider veins.

So, what causes spider veins in the first place? Well, there are a number of causes, but the presence of them is caused by pooled blood in a vein. Women tend to get these kinds of veins more frequently than men do, as these veins often appear during pregnancy. Generally, weight gain is what puts pressure on the veins in the legs resulting in this specific kind of vein appearance.

However, these kinds of veins can also be caused by too much exercise. For example, if you're a runner, you put pressure on your legs on a regular basis, which can in turn cause these veins. Ironically, these kinds of veins can also be caused by a lack of exercise, or sitting in one place for too long, so be sure to move around at least sometimes! These kinds of veins can also be caused by genetics, too, but don't worry, because there are a number of different treatment options.

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