Venous, Venous & More Venous at VEITHsymposium

by Frank Veith, MD

Over 4,000 attendes listen in on a morning session at VEITHsymposium in New York CityIn the last several years, venous disease has assumed increasing importance for vascular surgeons and other vascular specialists. In part, this is because of the explosive development of new technologies and techniques to treat all sorts of venous diseases. Many of these techniques and technologies offer the advantage of being endovascular and less invasive than classic open surgery. In addition, good evidence has been produced that these new treatment methods are both safe and effective.

In recognition of the increasing importance of venous diseases and the wealth of new improved methods of treatment, VEITHsymposium has expanded its coverage of venous diseases. To do this optimally, we have enlisted the support of world class experts in the various forms of venous disease to create component programs that provide interested vascular specialists with the newest developments and information in their areas of expertise. In this issue of VEIN Magazine, these expert component leaders have been requested to write—from each venous component of our meeting—a concise article summarizing the top five hot topics or ideas that came out of their component at our meeting in late November 2014.

Wayne Yakes will summarize the hot topics in arterio-venous malformations; Michael Jaff will do it for new developments in the treatment of pulmonary emboli; Ken Ouriel will do it with large vein occlusive disease; and Jose Almeida and Lowell Kabnick will cover other new developments in the treatment of varicose veins and venous disease in general.

For those who wish to view the entire VENOUS content of the November VEITHsymposium program, they can do so at The highlights of the venous components are covered in these short articles: