Can Spider Veins Really be Successfully Prevented?

Updated on: August 18, 2014

Fashion conscious women are very aware of how their legs look. After all, legs are an important fashion accessory in order to make the skirt, dress, pants, and shoes choices. These are the women who are also very aware of any imperfections that might occur on their legs.

Spider veins are a common imperfection that can occur on any part of the legs. Of course, women who really enjoy showing off their legs will become very annoyed at their presence. That is basically hat these kinds of veins are in that they are cosmetic nuisances, but usually nothing more serious.

However, sometimes spider veins can become serious, and there are two main indications of this. The first way involves a rash developing around the vein. If not treated by a doctor as soon as this is discovered, the rash could get worse and the vein could ulcerate. The second indication of problematic spider veins is if the leg on which these veins appear frequently feels stiff and achy. This could indicate the presence of a severe circulation problem, such as a clot.

Depending on the severity of the veins, they can either be treated by medicinal injections (which are known as sclerotherapy) or laser treatments. There are many different ways in which these kinds of veins can be caused. Learning about these ways can help them to be prevented. While these veins are sometimes also cause by genetics, they are also caused by additional factors that a woman might be completely unaware of.

In order for the body to function properly, the blood must be able to properly circulate through the veins. When a woman gains a large amount of weight in a short amount of time, that will place additional pressure on the veins in her legs. So, in order to facilitate proper blood flow, the veins in the legs will swell.

Spider veins differ from varicose veins (another vein irregularity that is caused by similar circumstances) in that they are thinner and smaller. They are dark red or purplish red in color. When it comes to excessive weight gain being the cause, it can come not just from obesity, but also from pregnancy.

When a woman is pregnant, it is very important that she stay active, but at the same time wear the proper shoes. This means that high heels should be out of the question. She should instead focus on wearing comfortable shoes (that can still look stylish) but at the same time provide her legs and feet with the right support. Sneakers with gel soles are especially preferable.

Additionally, she should spend fifteen minutes a day relaxing with her legs propped up. If a woman develops these kinds of veins because of basic obesity, then obviously she will need to lose weight with the right diet and exercise plan. Ironically, too much exercise as well as too much inactivity can be the cause of these kinds of veins as well, so it is very important that the woman create the proper balance.

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