How Sclerotherapy Works

Updated on: August 18, 2014

Individuals who are experiencing spider veins in Dakota Dunes, South Dakota or in other areas of the country may find relief from sclerotherapy. This procedure has helped many individuals with spider veins or small varicose veins overcome this condition and its unsightly appearance. Veins may not cause heaviness in the legs like varicose veins, and the veins may not bulge from the skin like varicose veins, but spider veins may lead patients to feel embarrassed of the appearance of the veins just like varicose veins. Not surprisingly, treatment is important to many sufferers of the condition.

Sclerotherapy begins with the sterilization of the treatment area, and then the injection of the sclerosant into larger veins first followed by smaller ones. The sclerosing agent works by irritating the vessel lining so that the vessel collapses and disappears entirely. One injection of the chemical sclerant is used for about every inch of vein being treated. Most patients do not require anesthesia during this procedure because the needle used is so small and most do not feel pain during the procedure. Most treatment sessions take about 15 to 30 minutes to complete, although this varies. There may be a minor stinging or burning sensation present during the procedure, although this is fleeting.

Patients are provided a bandage at the treatment area following the procedure, and compression stockings may be worn for a few days to aid in the healing process. Over-the-counter pain medication may be used to treat any discomfort following sclerotherapy, although patients should seek consultation with a professional to determine if it is safe to take any medication. Common side effects include bruising, itching and swelling, although these are short in duration and are uncommon. Rarely, allergic reactions, infection at the injection site and complications that are associated with poor application of treatment may be possible. For this reason, patients should choose to receive treatment from a well-trained Dakota Dunes vein specialist.

Individuals should walk regularly to help encourage proper circulation following sclerotherapy, but should avoid taking part in any strenuous activity for a few days after treatment as the body heals. Sclerotherapy may not be covered by insurance if it is considered a cosmetic treatment to get rid of spider veins, which are typically not considered a condition that is medically concerning. Varicose veins, on the other hand, may have symptoms and insurance may cover treatment when varicose veins are involved.

Learn more about sclerotherapy in Dakota Dunes, South Dakota.

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