How VNUS Treats Venous Reflux Conditions

Updated on: August 18, 2014

Patients who are suffering from venous reflux in the Guttenberg, New Jersey area have successfully treated the condition with VNUS. Superficial venous reflux often results in varicose veins, which may cause several painful or unattractive symptoms. Varicose veins may be very aesthetically unappealing due to their bulgy, darkened appearance visible on the surface of the skin. Many patients also report heaviness and pain in the legs associated with this condition. Roughly 10 to 20% of adults experience varicose veins, the majority of whom are women. Many reputable clinics offer VNUS as a means of eliminating this condition and relieving the symptoms associated with it.

Instead of relying on the traditional vein stripping or ligation procedures, many patients have recently turned to less invasive procedures that offer satisfying results. VNUS is minimally invasive and does not require a significant period of downtime or recovery. Most individuals are able to resume their normal activities and return to work a day following treatment. Patients are often encouraged to walk and continue their normal activities to promote healthy blood flow. Patients participating in sports or heavy lifting are advised to put off these activities for 5 to 7 days while they recover.

Ultrasound is heavily relied upon during VNUS for visualization purposes. Once the leg is sterilized and a local anesthetic applied, a small needle is placed into the vein. A catheter is then inserted through the needle. Radiofrequency energy is applied and the catheter is taken out. The energy released by this treatment heats up the vein enough so that it collapses and eventually closes. The vein will become fibrous tissue and ultimately disappear. Once the procedure is completed, the treated area is bandaged up and a compression garment is used to keep the area clean and supported.

The closure of these veins is not harmful to the patient's blood flow, as the veins treated are defective and inefficient. Once the valves in the veins become defective, blood begins to pool in the leg and has a hard time reaching the heart. When treated, healthy veins are able to function appropriately and normal blood flow should return. Patients are encouraged to speak with a physician to discuss in further detail venous reflux and how VNUS provides relief.

Many patients in the Guttenberg area have turned to VNUS as opposed to surgical options for several reasons. For one, no general anesthetic is required for VNUS, allowing for a much easier recovery period. There is less postoperative pain and bruising in most cases as well. The procedure takes about 30 to 60 minutes and is performed on an outpatient basis, allowing patients to return home the same day.

While VNUS has its advantages, there may be certain side effects or complications associated with the treatment. There has been minimal to no scarring, bruising and swelling associated with this procedure, although if they do occur, these side effects typically resolve within a of couple weeks. More serious complications are rare, but may include vessel perforation, thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, phlebitis, hematoma, infection, numbness, tingling and skin burn. Patients should discuss these risks in detail with a physician.

VNUS is intended for patients suffering from large varicose veins and not patients suffering from spider veins or small varicose veins. While varicose veins may cause pain and are often a medical concern, spider veins are virtually symptom free except for their unappealing appearance.

Sclerotherapy is often used to treat spider veins or small varicose veins. Before receiving treatment, patients should consult with a physician to determine if they are suffering from varicose veins or spider veins and therefore which procedure may provide the best results.

Learn more about VNUS in Guttenberg, New Jersey.

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