Intense Pulse Light Therapy: Treating the Problem of Spider Veins

Updated on: August 18, 2014

Spider veins may not cause pain or discomfort, but their unsightly appearance has sent many individuals in Decatur, Texas and around the nation seeking treatment to rid themselves of the conditions. Spider veins appear as jutting out of a central point in many cases, roughly resembling a spider, although they also take other patterns or formations. Reticular veins are similar to spider veins, but can be found a little bit deeper under the skin. Increased pressure in the venous system may be linked to the appearance of both spider veins and reticular veins. Individuals experiencing these conditions should consider speaking with a vein specialist in their area to discuss their treatment options.

Intense pulsed light therapy has helped many patients in Decatur remove unwanted spider veins and other cosmetic blemishes by using light energy applied to the skin in a pulsing fashion. The intense pulsed light selectively damages and destroys abnormal vein such as spider veins or vascular birthmarks. This treatment is more suited than laser therapy for lesions slightly deeper under the skin's surface. In cases where sclerotherapy or laser therapy is unsuccessful in treating the superficial vein, intense pulsed light therapy may be utilized.

Treatment is often the only way to get rid of spider veins and reticular veins, as, while they may get worse, they do not go away on their own. A sedentary lifestyle, weight gain and a lack of exercise may cause the conditions to worsen. These conditions may affect both men and women and affect all races and ethnicities.

Intense pulse light therapy may provide relief from spider veins, reticular veins, age spots and various non-cancerous skin lesions. The treatment delivers a concentrated pulse of light to the treatment area, which generates heat and damages the vessel walls. The veins then shrink and disappear. The surrounding tissue is not damaged or harmed during this treatment, as the vein walls are selectively targeted. The treatment may be most effective in those with fair skin, while darker skinned individuals may not have the same results.

Intense pulsed light may treat various parts of the body such as the face, arms, legs, thighs, abdomen, ankles, etc. The best candidates for this treatment have fair skin, are in good overall health, do not smoke, are mentally and psychologically stable and do not have a disease of the blood vessels or any problems with bleeding or conditions that may affect bleeding. Those not considered ideal candidates for this procedure include individuals who have recently taken Accutane, have keloid scarring, severe or unusual scarring, have recently gone tanning or have a severe sunburn, are pregnant, have acute onset of acne, are very dark skinned, are taking medication to thin the blood or who have had skin resurfacing conditions.

Most treatments take between 15 to 45 minutes to perform, although this may vary depending on the size of the treatment area. For best results, patients may require at least two treatments that are spaced several weeks apart. Following the treatment, individuals may feel slight bumps on their skin, although this typically goes away within the next few hours. The skin may be reddish and some experience bruising. Still, individuals may return to their normal daily activities following treatment. Side effects include bruising, swelling, redness and blisters. Dark pigmentation and scarring are rare complications that have been associated with this procedure.

Patients may require two to six treatments spaced four to six weeks apart to reach their optimal results. To discuss one's treatment plan for intense pulsed light therapy, interested individuals should seek consultation with a medical professional in the Decatur area.

Learn more about intense pulse light therapy in Decatur, Texas. .

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