Should You Try Compression Stockings First?

Updated on: August 18, 2014

Spider veins and varicose veins can be quite the embarrassing condition for those in Glastonbury, Connecticut or other parts of the country. Many complain of pain and heaviness in the legs with varicose veins, as well as the bulging, often purplish appearance of the condition. Spider veins, while they do not cause pain and do not appear as bulging from under the skin, can be just as embarrassing. Treating varicose veins is often considered medically necessary, while spider veins are often considered to be a cosmetic concern. If you're suffering from either condition, a consultation with a trained professional in the Glastonbury area could do a lot of good in determining which condition you're suffering from and sorting through your treatment options.

One treatment that in many cases is used as an initial treatment before more invasive or more expensive options are used is compression stockings. These are stockings that are tightest around the ankle and relieve pressure as they move up the leg. This is intended to restore efficient blood flow to the legs and to relieve many of the symptoms associated with varicose veins. They are designed to reduce the pooling that occurs in the legs with spider veins and varicose veins by encouraging blood to flow back up the legs towards the heart. Some may choose to wear compression stockings on long plane rides or car rides to reduce the risk of developing blood clots.

Prescription compression stockings are prescribed by a physician and may run between $50 and $100, although this may vary. There are name brand compression stockings that may run more than generic brand versions. The non-name brand compression stockings may be just as effective, however, so discussing your compression stockings options with a trained professional is a worthwhile cause that may help you save money while still benefiting from this treatment.

There are also over-the-counter compression stockings, although these typically offer less compression than the prescription compression stockings and may not be as effective in relieving symptoms of varicose veins.

Make sure that you choose a compression stocking that you're comfortable wearing. They must be worn all day, so you'll want to choose one that is right for you. The compression stockings may be worn daily for as long as the patient is at a risk of developing blood clots. They may be taken off at night, however, but many recommend putting them back on before getting out of bed in the morning. What's more, compression stockings may be required for long periods of time or in some cases for life.

To determine how long you should wear compression stockings, talk to a medical professional in the Glastonbury area. If after a certain period of time your symptoms do not improve, other venous treatments such as endovenous laser ablation or sclerotherapy may be encouraged to overcome varicose veins or spider veins so that compression stockings do not have to be worn any longer.

Learn more about compression stockings in Glastonbury, Connecticut. .

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