Vein Stripping Procedure

Updated on: August 18, 2014
If you experience severe problems with varicose veins, bulging, twisted veins that can be seen through your skin, you may want to try a vein stripping procedure. What this means is that those large unsightly veins in your legs will be stripped or removed which will improve the appearance of your legs while alleviating your symptoms as well.

Stripping of the veins can alleviate tired, aching, and burning sensations in your legs as well as swollen ankles and dry scaly skin. This procedure will also improve your circulation through the venous system by eliminating passages of blood reflux thus improving the appearance of your leg. With this procedure, the saphenous vein in your leg is removed as well as any varicose tributary veins.

The Procedure

In order to limit the risk of infection, a small are on the upper part of your leg will be shaved where your surgeon will make a tiny incision, near the groin, to access the upper end of the saphenous vein.

Once your surgeon can visually see this vein, he or she will detach and tie of the key vein from tributaries related with it and detach the saphenous vein from the femoral vein. Next, a wire will be inserted into the free end of this vein, moved down its length, where it will protrude through a second incision that has been made at the upper calf, right below the knee.

The vein will be tightly tied at the groin end, then it will be tied to the wire, once all of the connect veins have been cut away; your surgeon will pull the wired in a downward motion which will pull the vein with it. The vein is removed, the incisions are closed with stitches and compression bandages are applied.

The biggest risk that accompanies vein stripping is blood clots, but bruising, recurring varicose veins and nerve injury may also be evident. Other complications that may arise are because of general anesthesia and they include:

• Infection

• Allergic reaction

• Breathing problems

• Bleeding

Your legs will be bandaged for a minimum of 36 hours following vein stripping surgery. Your legs will typically be rewrapped and compression will continue anywhere from days to weeks following your procedure to help control swelling, bleeding and to promote healing of your surgical wounds.

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