Vein Treatment - 1

Updated on: August 18, 2014
Are you experiencing problems with either spider or varicose veins? If so, then you should know that there are vein treatment options available to you. Problem veins do not have to be a problem, there is a procedure called Transilluminated Powered Phlebectomy or TIPP which is a minimally invasive procedure that can remove varicose veins.

The Procedure

Transillumination is the process in which a light is placed just beneath your skin allowing your vein doctor to see precisely where the varicose veins are that need to be removed. In this manner your surgeon is able to visually confirm that he or she is removing the problematic vein. In traditional varicose vein surgery the surgeon cannot see the vein or confirm removal, it is called a blind procedure.

The TIPP procedure is performed in an operating room under a light anesthetic. Your surgeon works through two small incisions in a darkened room.

Your surgeon will insert the tumescent canula illuminator just under the varicose vein. The cool xenon fiberoptic light will allow your doctor to see the varicose veins easily through the skin. Tumescent fluid, similar to that used in liposuction, is injected under the skin, loosening the vein from the surrounding tissue as well as providing local anesthesia.

Next, a second instrument, which is the vein remover, will be transported to the veins using the TCI light. Your vein will be suctioned into a small hole at the tip of the vein remover and a protected blade cuts the vein into small pieces, it is then suctioned out of the body.

The entire procedure takes about 30 minutes. The tiny incisions do not require any stitches. You should be able to go home within an hour following your procedure. Normal activity is encouraged immediately and you will be able to return to work in 2���3 days.

There are numerous cosmetic surgeons in your area that can help you get rid of your problematic veins and discuss vein treatment further with you. If you are experiencing problems with spider or varicose veins you can find a Vein Treatment Center in your area now.

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