
Updated on: August 18, 2014

What are veins?

In the body we have two types of blood vessels, one is the artery which carries oxygen carrying blood to the rest of the body and the other is the vein, which brings deoxygenated blood back to the lungs. The arteries are thick walled and have lots of muscle around it, whereas the veins are thin walled and have little muscle around it.

Where are veins found?

Veins are found all over the body. Some veins are superficial and some are deep.

How do veins transport blood?

Unlike arteries, the veins have very thin walls and no muscle. Blood in the veins usually moves in a very passive fashion, usually from contraction of the muscles surrounding the veins. When one stands up, the muscles in the legs contract and move the blood up the veins. When one lies down, the muscles are inactive and thus the blood collects in the legs.

What are valves?

Most veins have valves. Along every few cms of a vein are valves (which are similar to one way doors). Once the blood goes through this part of the vein, the valves close and prevent blood from flowing backwards. The function of the valves is to keep the blood going forward and prevent pooling of the blood. When these valves are damaged or become defective, the blood starts pooling in the leg.

Where can veins be seen?

The superficial veins are visible. The superficial bluish lines running on your arms and legs are veins.

What are medical uses of veins?

When you go to the doctor, blood is usually withdrawn from veins (venipuncture). If you are sick and need fluids and medications, a needle is placed in the veins to deliver these products. Needles can also be placed in the neck, groin or leg veins to deliver fluids and antibiotics. the superficial veins can also be used for bypass in open heart surgery and to bypass blocked blood vessels in the legs.

What diseases are associated with veins?

The three most common disorders of veins are:

Spider veins: These "star" shaped veins seen on the thighs are usually of a cosmetic nuisance

Varicose veins: Varicose veins only occur in the superficial veins and can be cosmetically unappealing and also cause swelling and aching in the legs.

Deep venous thrombosis: This is the most serious complication of veins and usually occurs in the deeper veins. Deep venous thrombosis can occur in any vein of the body but is most common in the legs. It is dangerous because the blood clot can move to the lungs and may cause death.

How can one treat spider and varicose veins?

There are numerous methods to treat these conditions, which range from

- laser

- intense pulse light

- vein stripping

- sclerotherapy

- vein ligation

- radiofrequency ablation

- compression stocking

How does one treat deep venous thrombosis?

Deep venous thrombosis requires long term treatment with blood thinners. One can prevent deep venous thrombosis by being active and wearing compression stockings.


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