What are Some Natural Varicose Veins Remedies?

Updated on: August 18, 2014

Varicose veins may be a very troubling and problematic condition for individuals in the West Nyack, New York area, as well as in other parts of the state or country. Varicose veins appear as bulging from the skin and are often purplish in color, making them a cosmetic nightmare for many individuals. What's more, varicose veins may even be a medical concern as they may lead to pain and heaviness in the legs.

There are several treatments available at vein clinics in the West Nyack area and other parts of the country, many of which are minimally-invasive and do not require a lengthy recovery period like certain surgical options. However, many individuals seek natural home remedies before seeking other treatments. The reason for this isn't hard to understand. For one, natural remedies are typically much less expensive than having a procedure performed at a clinic or doctor's office. Natural remedies are often less invasive as well, or completely non-invasive.

Most natural varicose veins remedies involve some sort of lifestyle change or adjustments. Certain dietary adjustments may be a good first step in finding relief from the symptoms of varicose veins. Increasing one's fiber intake may be helpful in improving digestive health and reducing pressure on varicose veins. Constipation may lead to excess pressure in the pelvic region, as well as the valves in the veins, so getting fiber from foods such as whole grains, vegetables and certain fruits may help to avoid or improve constipation. Vitamin C may help improve blood vessel health, helping to support the vein structure and overall health. Consuming fruits high in vitamin C and taking supplements may be helpful. Bioflavonoids may be helpful in strengthening vein walls through the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Grapeseed extract is a supplement that is readily available.

Compresses may help to relieve symptoms of varicose veins. Cold-water soaked compresses may help to reduce swelling in the area, while aromatic compresses soaked in witch hazel and other essential oils may sooth the area and induce an astringent effect to encourage surface veins to contract. Hot and cold baths may be helpful, as the patient soaks their legs in warm then cool water to improve circulation. Lying horizontally on the couch or bed may help reduce pressure on the legs as well. Elevating the feet on pillows may also be helpful.

It is important that patients understand that natural remedies such as those listed above may not actually remove or cure varicose veins. The only way to get rid of them is through varicose veins procedures and treatments. The natural remedies listed above may help to improve symptoms, however. Exercise, avoiding sitting or standing for prolonged periods and wearing compression stockings are other more conservative approaches to vein treatment.

In many cases, insurance companies may require that patients try these conservative or natural remedies before they will cover the cost of other treatment options. If the natural remedies are not successful in relieving symptoms, they may then cover the cost of treatment.

Learn more about natural varicose veins remedies in West Nyack, New York.

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