What is Foam Sclerotherapy and How Does it Work?

Updated on: August 18, 2014

Spider veins can be quite embarrassing for individuals in the Warren, Michigan area as well as in other parts of the country, making treatment of the utmost importance to many. Spider veins may not cause pain and heaviness the way that varicose veins may, but like varicose veins, spider veins may be considered very embarrassing due to their unappealing appearance. Spider veins may appear as purplish, reddish or bluish and, while they do not bulge like varicose veins, often have a central point from which veins may jut out in various directions or patterns. The appearance of this condition may vary, but the embarrassment and self-consciousness they may cause is often the same.

Foam sclerotherapy is a procedure that has proven very successful in providing relief from spider veins. This is a procedure that involves injections of sclerosing foam that works by irritating the vein walls, causing the vein to collapse, shrink and eventually disappear entirely. With blood no longer able to flow through the problem veins, other veins will carry out the blood flow that these veins may have normally handled.

Foam sclerotherapy differs from other sclerotherapy procedures in that a foam consistency is used for the sclerosing agent rather than a liquid consistency. The foam formulation allows for greater contact with the vessel wall and is more effective in displacing blood. What's more, the foam formulation is more easily viewed on ultrasound than the liquid formulation, allowing it to be tracked and guided more effectively.

Individuals with certain blood or cardiovascular problems may not be considered candidates for foam sclerotherapy. Women who are pregnant are also not considered candidates for this procedure. Otherwise, most individuals with spider veins or small varicose veins may be considered a candidate. Patients with larger varicose veins may not be considered a candidate and may be encouraged to explore other options to find relief such as various laser procedures.

Recovery after foam sclerotherapy is brief and very easy. Individuals are typically able to resume their normal activities immediately after the procedure. Those who have spider veins in the legs treated may be encouraged to wear compression stockings for a couple of days to aid in the healing process. One treatment is typically all that is needed to achieve desired results, although this varies and some patients may require multiple sessions before they reach their goals.

As with most medical treatments, there are certain risks that have been associated with this treatment. Foam sclerotherapy may be associated with a higher risk of microembolisms, which are tiny blood clots in the treatment area. Itching, redness and bruising may also be associated with this procedure, but they typically heal on their own. Interested individuals are encouraged to speak with a trained professional in the Warren area to discuss the possible risks and complications associated with foam sclerotherapy.

In most cases, insurance will not cover the cost of foam sclerotherapy, as it is generally considered a cosmetic procedure. In cases where larger varicose veins are involved, insurance may cover its cost. Those interested should consult their doctor as well as their insurance company when determining whether the procedure will be covered by their insurance. Most sessions of this treatment run between $200 and $500, although this may vary from one clinic to the next.

Learn more about foam sclerotherapy in Warren, Michigan..

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