What's Foam Sclerotherapy Do To Problem Veins?

Updated on: August 18, 2014

Individuals who have spider veins in the Destin, Florida area who would like to get of these problematic veins may find relief with foam sclerotherapy, an injectable treatment that works to eliminate problem veins by irritating the vessel lining so that the vein will harden and then close completely. Spider veins may not cause pain or heaviness in the legs like varicose veins, but their unsightly appearance may lead patients to feel embarrassed and self-conscious. Not surprisingly, many seek treatment to overcome this condition. Patients are encouraged to speak with a vein specialist regarding foam sclerotherapy to help determine if the procedure may be right for them.

Candidates for foam sclerotherapy include any man or women with small varicose veins or spider veins who would like to get rid of these venous conditions. Those who have certain blood or cardiovascular problems may not be considered candidates, and pregnant women are not candidates for foam sclerotherapy either. It is important that patients speak with a Destin vein specialist prior to treatment to help them determine if they are a candidate for this treatment. Those who are not should ask about other vein treatments that may provide safe, effective results.

Foam sclerotherapy begins with the application of a topical anesthetic, which numbs the area being treated for patient comfort throughout the treatment. The vein specialist then injects the area with a sclerosing foam and ultrasound technology is used to help make sure that the treatment spreads effectively in the area. More than one injection may be used depending on the size of the treatment area, and most procedures take roughly 30 to 45 minutes to perform.

The recovery time after foam sclerotherapy is rather brief, and most patients are allowed to return to work or resume other activities immediately after the treatment is completed. If leg veins are treated, though, a compression stocking may be worn for a couple of days to aid the healing process. Patients are usually able to receive satisfactory results after just one session of foam sclerotherapy, although some may require multiple sessions to reach their optimal results.

There may be a higher risk of microembolisms with foam sclerotherapy, which are tiny blood clots that form in the treatment area. Other potential side effects include itching, redness and bruising, although these should resolve within a couple of days of the treatment. Those interested in foam sclerotherapy should first speak with a vein specialist in the Destin area regarding their candidacy for treatment, as well as the possible risks an complications associated with it.

The procedure usually costs in the $200 to $500 range, although the cost may depend on the size of the treatment area. Insurance does not cover the cost of treatment, as foam sclerotherapy is usually considered a cosmetic procedure to get rid of spider veins. However, when there are varicose veins involved, insurance may cover the cost of treatment if the veins are considered a medical nuisance. Patients should speak with their insurance company and a vein specialist for more information.

Learn more about foam sclerotherapy in Destin, Florida.

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