Who is the Right Candidate for Spider Vein Removal?

Updated on: August 18, 2014

Circulation is an extremely important part of maintaining the overall health of the human body. The heart pumps blood, which is in turn carried to various parts of the body via an intricate network of veins. When circulation problems arise, or when excess amounts of stress are placed on the body, then the veins can actually become visible through the leg or face.

Spider veins are a good example of these kinds of visible veins, so it is important to understand when spider vein removal is appropriate. First of all, it is very important to be aware the appearance of spider veins. They are actually very easily recognizable in that they are small and thin, and are dark red to dark purple in color.

These kinds of veins are usually seen on the upper thighs if they are present on the legs, and on the cheeks if they are present on the face. Spider vein removal is usually considered to be an option if they veins are themselves not particularly needed.

It is important to note that if spider vein removal is not considered to be an option, there are two main other alternatives. The first alternative treatment to actual spider vein removal is known as sclerotherapy. This procedure involves injecting the spider veins with a special medicine that will make them collapse back into the leg. The second alternative is laser treatments, wherein the laser heat is used for the same purpose. Either method will require several treatment sessions.

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