Why Veinwave for the Treatment of Spider Veins

Updated on: August 18, 2014

Patients in Pensacola, Florida and around the country have found success through Veinwave. This is a procedure that utilizes thermocoagulation to treat spider veins on the body. Any area of the body may be treated with Veinwave, although patients are encouraged to discuss their candidacy for the treatment before undergoing this procedure. Common areas that have been treated using Veinwave include the legs, face, arms, ankles and knees.

Most men and women who are in good overall health are considered candidates for Veinwave. In addition to treating spider veins, this procedure may also be used to treat telangiectasia, which are tiny, thread-like veins that are tangled similar to spider veins. Those not considered candidates for Veinwave include pregnant women, epileptic patients, those with bleeding disorders and those with pacemakers. For more information about one's candidacy for this procedure, consult a medical professional in the Pensacola area.

A very fine needle is used to administer the treatment subepidermally. The vessel is not pierced, however. Any tiny vessels should be destroyed by the treatment, and should then disappear relatively quickly. There are no bandages required afterwards, and patients are usually in treatment for about 10 to 15 minutes. Most patients are able to resume normal activities immediately following Veinwave.

There is a slight risk of scarring associated with Veinwave, although this is a very small risk. The risk is much less than with other vein treatments used to treat venous conditions such as spider veins. Still, patients who are interested in Veinwave are encouraged to discuss this risk with a medical professional in the community.

Results are visible almost immediately following treatment and should continue to improve over the next several days. Most patients achieve optimal results after just one treatment, while others require two or three treatments to reach optimal results. This varies on a patient to patient basis, so discussing the matter with a vein specialist before treatment is encouraged.

Veinwave is an ideal procedure for those suffering from spider veins who want to avoid the downtime and recovery required with certain treatments. There is no bruising associated with Veinwave and just a minimal risk of scarring. There is also no downtime associated with the procedure, and patients may treat any area of their body with Veinwave. The price of this procedure varies depending on the extent of the area being treated, but tends to run between $400 and $800.

Learn more about Veinwave in Pensacola, Florida.

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