Will Endovenous Laser Ablation Get Rid of Your Varicose Veins?

Updated on: August 18, 2014

Patients who are in the Normal, Illinois area or in other parts of the country who are suffering from varicose veins often seek treatment to help them find relief from this venous condition. Varicose veins are marked by their bulging, often purplish appearance. This may lead to some patients feeling embarrassed or self-conscious, while many experience pain and heaviness associated with this condition as well. Those who are suffering from varicose veins are encouraged to seek consultation with a vein specialist in their area to go over possible treatment solutions such as endovenous laser ablation.

Endovenous laser ablation is minimally invasive and is intended for the treatment of larger varicose veins. Individuals who are suffering from spider veins or smaller varicose veins may be encouraged to explore other options such as sclerotherapy or other laser treatments. To determine if you're suffering from spider veins or varicose veins, consult a vein specialist in the Normal, Illinois area. Once a diagnosis has been made, you may proceed with determining which of your available treatment options is right for you.

Endovenous laser ablation typically takes between 30 and 60 minutes to perform and may be done in a doctor's office or vein treatment clinic. Patients wear protective eye goggles throughout the treatment to guard against accidental exposure to the laser light. The skin around the area being treated will be treated with a local anesthetic for patient comfort throughout the procedure, and a laser fiber will then be inserted into the faulty vein. Ultrasound technology is used to identify the laser fiber's position, and the laser is slowly heated using low energy.

The energy from the laser works to damage the vein wall, causing the vein to collapse, shrink and eventually disappear entirely. As the vein becomes fribosed, it can no longer carry blood, allowing the symptoms of the condition to go away. Other veins in the area will assume blood flow with the vein no longer able to carry the blood. One of the most common questions is whether destroying the greater saphenous vein is harmful during this procedure. While a healthy greater saphenous vein should not be harmed in case it is required in future open heart surgeries, a greater saphenous vein that is thick and thrombosed may actually inhibit blood flow, so its removal is safe. In fact, its removal may help to improve blood circulation.

There are no scars left behind with endovenous laser ablation, and the procedure is associated with just minimal postoperative pain. Almost immediate relief from symptoms is another benefit of this procedure. There may be some minor soreness or bruising, but this may be treated using an over-the-counter medication, although patients should check with their doctor to ensure taking any medicine is safe. The patient may be encouraged to walk following treatment, and may resume their normal activities. The doctor may schedule a follow up appointment about a week after treatment to check the success and progress of the procedure.

As with any procedure, there are certain side effects and complications that have been associated with endovenous laser ablation. These include mild numbness around the thigh, a pulling sensation, phlebitis, deep vein thrombosis and infection at the incision site. Other complications that are associated with poor application or mistakes may be associated with this treatment as well, so patients should seek treatment from a well-trained and talented vein specialist in the Normal, Illinois area. Those interested in whether insurance will cover the procedure should speak with their doctor and insurance company, as insurance may cover its cost if deemed medically necessary, but not if used for cosmetic purposes.

Learn more about endovenous laser ablation in Normal, Illinois. .

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