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EVLT Questions

It appears that a branch is trying to re-open the vein. Should EVLT be used on the branch or sclerotherapy?
EVLT -5 answers
At two weeks post-EVLT for insufficiency, a branch off the GSV was documented by ultrasound and my description of pulsing pain. The branch is on the inner thigh, about two inches above the knee. It feels like i... Read more
Incision sites filling up with blood and bursting 5 months after EVLT/ambulatory phlebectomy. What should I do?
EVLT -3 answers
I had EVLT/ambulatory phlebectomy on both legs five months ago. Recovery went well at first, but after about six weeks my incision sites frequently began swelling up with blood and occasionally erupting. Ther... Read more
6 weeks after EVLT and I still have superficial clots in my groind area and behind my knee. How long before they go away?
EVLT -3 answers
Should I be concerned? Do I need meds or a procedure to get rid of the clots? Read more
I have calf muscle pain and cramping in my calf 1 week after EVLT, ambulatory phlebectomy, and sclerotherapy. Is this normal?
EVLT -7 answers
I had EVLT, ambulatory phlebectomy, and sclerotherapy in both legs over the course of 4 days last week. I was supposed to wear 2 stockings during the day & 1 at night, but my feet kept swelling so my Dr. has in... Read more
Was my vein procedure botched?
EVLT -3 answers
I have pain and numbness, pins and needles, and swelling after varicose vein removal surgery. I also still have bulging veins and pink spots near the treatment site. Was my procedure botched? Read more
Does my short saphenous vein need treatment?
EVLT -3 answers
I had a duplex ultrasound done in Feb 2015 and showed abnormal reflux time of the SSV. When the tech was doing it she had to look really hard and mentioned it looked minimal. A month earlier I had one done by a... Read more
How soon can I run after having EVLT?
EVLT -3 answers
I had endovenous laser treatment on October 23rd. I am due to run a 10K race on November 14th but am concerned that it may be too soon to run that long of a distance. Is it OK? Read more
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Is it normal that my vein is showing from the top of my thigh to my knee? The vein is also very hard and sore to touch.
EVLT -4 answers
I had endovenous laser treatment. Is it normal, a week and a half after the procedure, for my vein to show from the top of my thigh to my knee. The vein is also very hard and sore to touch. Read more
Is paresthesia likely permanent 1 yr after EVLT?
EVLT -2 answers
I had EVLT 1 year ago and still have paresthesia to my right lateral ankle. Is this likely to be permanent? I was told it should resolve in 6m-1yr. Read more
Does stent placement for varicose veins get rid of the appearance of the veins, or only occlusion?
EVLT -2 answers
Also, why is this not a more common procedure, and why is this preferred over other treatments? Read more
Why do I have swelling in my leg 2 1/2 months after my ELVT ?
EVLT -2 answers
Two and a half months after EVLT, my leg is swelling. I had a hematoma near the incision site that is almost gone, but am concerned about the inflammation. Is this normal? If not, what should I do? Read more
Why does every doctor have different answers for how soon you can fly after EVLT?
EVLT -3 answers
We are traveling from Chicago to Hawaii 2 weeks after EVLT, with a stop in Pheonix, AZ. I've scoured answers on the site to determine when is a good time to fly after the procedure, but I've noticed that the ti... Read more
Do I still need to wear compression hose?
EVLT -2 answers
I am a 22-year-old woman with blood clotting disorders. I had my varicose vein removed on Thursday, August 27th. It was the large medial vein and was removed from my knee to my groin. The doctor said to wear th... Read more
What can I do about my problematic veins?
EVLT -6 answers
Three months after endoveous laser ablation surgery on my leg, the veins are still prominent and lumpy. A scan was done and it revealed that they are still there. In addition to the veins still being present, I... Read more
Is EVLT effective permanently?
EVLT -3 answers
How long will EVLT continue to be effective? Is ELVT a permanent cure and are the results long term? Is conventional surgery more effective? Read more
I had EVLT done 4 days ago. Now it looks like there is a clear long blister. Is this normal and what should I do?
EVLT -3 answers
The tightness is still there, and it’s difficult to walk A LOT. I have been elevating my leg, wearing the compression sock when I leave the house. I have also been taking Tylenol, and been using the Arnicare ... Read more
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