Treating Superficial Venous Reflux with VNUS

Updated on: August 18, 2014

In Columbus, Ohio or other parts of the country, many individuals may suffer from superficial venous reflux—one of the possible symptoms of which may be varicose veins. Varicose veins appear as bluish or purplish in color and bulging from the skin, and may be very embarrassing. They may also lead to pain and heaviness in the legs, making the condition quite uncomfortable for those suffering from it. Minimally-invasive procedures such as VNUS have been used to treat superficial venous reflux, thus treating the unsightly and often painful varicose veins.

VNUS is performed in a doctor's office or clinic under local anesthesia and mild sedation to ensure the patient's comfort throughout treatment. A thin catheter is inserted into the problem vein using a single needle stick or a small incision. Radiofrequency energy is then applied to the vein wall by the catheter, which causes it to heat, collapse and close. With the problem vein closed, other, healthy veins in the area take over blood flow to empty blood from the legs. Symptoms of this condition may improve noticeably once healthy return flow is restored.

A bandage is placed over the insertion site following the procedure and the leg is wrapped up for about a day to aid in the healing process. The doctor may recommend walking and wearing compression stockings, and may encourage the individual to avoid standing for long periods of time. Normal activities may be resumed after about one to two days in most cases, although this varies and patients should follow the recovery instructions of their doctor.

Possible side effects of this treatment may include minimal to no scarring, bruising and swelling. These side effects may disappear after about one to two weeks. As with just about any medical procedure, there is a risk of potential complications associated with VNUS. These may include vessel perforation, thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, phlebitis, hematoma, infection, numbness, tingling and skin burn. Those experiencing these conditions should consult a medical professional in the Columbus area.

Whether this procedure is covered by insurance may depend on whether varicose veins are present and if the condition presents symptoms. Many insurance companies require a conservative treatment before they cover medical procedures, however. Conservative approaches to treatment may include wearing compression stockings, exercising, a change of diet or weight loss. For more information, patients should consult their insurance company and a medical professional in Columbus.

Learn more about VNUS in Columbus, Ohio.

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