Atlanta spider veins

Updated on: August 18, 2014

Spider vein treatments in Atlanta are available in most spas and cosmetic clinics. The four most common treatments for spider veins include:

Camouflage: There are numerous creams available to hide the spider veins. There are no creams which can get rid of spider veins. Camouflage may be a good short term alternative in an individual who is undecided about treatment. In the long run, camouflage creams can be expensive.

Compression stockings: A decent pair of compression stockings can help prevent spider veins. The existing spider veins are not affected by stockings. The only disadvantage of compression stockings is the hot weather in Atlanta.

Sclerotherapy: This procedure requires the injection of each spider vein with an irritating chemical. The injections are performed with a very fine needle and do sting a little. Each spider vein must be injected to remove it. After the procedure, some type of compressive garment or stockings are worn for a few days. The compression prevents excessive bruising and swelling after the procedure. At most, 20-25 spider veins can be treated in each session and most individuals require a couple of session to completely eradicate the veins

Laser: The development of laser technology has been refined and now hand held probes are available for use in cosmetic surgery. The probe is aimed at the spider vein and fired. The heat from the laser coagulates (gels) the blood and causes collapse of the vein. Over time the vein shrivels up and disappears. The advantage of laser over sclerotherapy is that it is fast, less painful and does not require much time off work. However, the laser is also more expensive.

Is there a cure for spider veins?

No, neither laser nor sclerotherapy can permanently cure spider veins. All treatments are associated with recurrence of new spider veins sometime in the future. The best treatment for spider veins is prevention

What is the cost of spider vein treatments in Atlanta?

The cost of laser and sclerotherapy range from $ 200-400 per leg depending on the number of spider veins.

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