How Compression Stockings Can Help

Updated on: August 18, 2014

Individuals with varicose veins in the Chapel Hill, North Carolina area and in other parts of the country may find relief from this condition through compression stockings. This is often used as the first line of defense against the symptoms of varicose veins such as aches, pains and heaviness. The only way to get rid of varicose veins is by removing them or destroying them, but compression stockings may be helpful in reducing their symptoms. In fact, many minimally-invasive treatments and procedures to remove and destroy varicose veins require the use of compression stockings as part of the recovery process. Some insurance companies even require that patients first try compression stockings to alleviate symptoms before they will pay for more expensive treatments and procedures.

There are different types of compression stockings available and it's important that patients use the appropriate type. Prescription strength compression stockings offer more compression than over-the-counter compression stockings, which may not be effective in providing relief from varicose veins. The doctor may provide the compression stockings at his or her office, while some may require that the patient goes to a medical supply store to pick up a pair. It's important to discuss the different options with the Chapel Hill vein specialist to ensure that the patient picks up the right kind.

Compression stockings are tightest around the ankle and apply less pressure as they move up the leg. This helps to milk the blood back up the leg and towards the heart for more efficient circulation. Compression stockings may also help to avoid blood clots on long airplane or car rides. These are generally less expensive than minimally invasive procedures and treatments and are often used as a first treatment option for patients who are suffering from varicose veins.

There are a few different brands available in different styles and colors. Patients should pick a pair they feel comfortable wearing, as they may have to wear them all day long. Name brands may cost more than others, so keep that in mind while shopping around. Some patients may be required to put on the compression stockings before getting out of bed in the morning, and to take them off after getting in bed later that night. Compression stockings should be tight, but not too tight. Those with weak hands or arthritis may have difficulty putting them on, but there are devices available that make this easier.  

Learn more about compression stockings in Chapel Hill, North Carolina

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