Intense Pulse Light Therapy (IPL) and Spider Veins

Updated on: August 18, 2014

For patients in Valdosta, Georgia and in other parts of the country, overcoming spider veins may be a top priority. The condition is not painful and does not make the legs feel heavy like varicose veins, but may be just as aesthetically unappealing. This condition may cause some patients to feel embarrassed or self-conscious, while some may even allow it to affect their personal or professional life. For those experiencing venous conditions such as these, speaking with a medical professional about possible treatments such as intense pulse light therapy (IPL) is important.

Before beginning any treatment, patients should discuss their condition with a medical professional to determine if they are suffering from spider veins or varicose veins. Those suffering from varicose veins may be recommended other treatments such as endovenous laser ablation. Patients suffering from spider veins, however, may be recommended intense pulse light therapy as a safe and effective way to get rid of the venous condition.

Intense pulse light therapy selectively targets spider veins so that healthy veins and surrounding tissue are not affected by this treatment. The intense light therapy is more suited for vascular lesions deeper within the skin than certain laser treatments. While other treatments may be recommended before IPL, such as sclerotherapy or laser treatments, this treatment may be used if they are unsuccessful or do not provide satisfactory results.

The treatment works by delivering intense pulsed light to the spider veins. This heats the vessel wall, causing it to collapse, shrink and eventually disappear. This is a non-invasive procedure that has been effective for many patients suffering from this condition. Two to four sessions may be required to reach optimal results, although this may vary from patient to patient.

Patients with light skin tend to have the best results with intense pulse light therapy. Patients with skin that tans easily have variable results, while dark skinned individuals tend to not have a good response to this treatment. To determine one's own candidacy, patients are encouraged to speak with a medical professional at a reputable clinic in the Valdosta area. Ideal candidates should also be in good physical health and should not smoke.

Various parts of the body may be treated using intense pulse light therapy. The face, arms, legs, back, thighs, abdomen and ankles may be treated, although for more specific information about areas that are treatable with this procedure, patients are encouraged to speak with a medical professional. IPL has helped patients remove not only spider veins, but a host of other blemishes. These include broken or dilated vessels, imperfections resulting from sun damage and age spots, birth marks, acne, Rosacea, freckles, Reticular veins and cherry hemangiomas.

Treatment with IPL may take 15 to 45 minutes. A topical anesthetic may be applied to ensure patient comfort during treatment, although the amount of pain experienced during this treatment is similar to the snapping of a rubber band on the skin. Bruising, redness, swelling and blisters are among the common side effects associated with this treatment, although these normally resolve within a few days. Permanent dark pigmentation and scarring are rare complications associated with IPL and should be discussed in detail with a physician before treatment.

To learn more about intense pulse light therapy and to determine one's own candidacy for the procedure, patients are strongly encouraged to speak with a medical professional at a reputable clinic in their area. This is often the best and most reliable resource for information pertaining to venous conditions such as spider veins and varicose veins and treatments such as intense pulse light therapy.

Learn more about intense pulse light therapy in Valdosta, Georgia.

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