Is Veinwave a Good Choice for You?

Updated on: August 18, 2014

Individuals in Sioux City, Iowa and other parts of the country have found success through Veinwave, a procedure that utilizes thermocoagulation to treat spider veins and telangiectasia. This treatment has been used to treat tiny veins that may not be treatable using sclerotherapy, which may involve a risk of certain complications such as burning or scarring when treated using laser procedures. Difficult to treat locations such as the ankles, knees or even face may be treated with this treatment, although patients are strongly encouraged to discuss the possibility of treating these and other areas with a vein specialist before proceeding.

Most adult men and women who are in good overall health may be considered a candidate for Veinwave to treat spider veins or telangiectasia—which are tangled, very thin veins. This procedure may be used to treat veins that appear virtually anywhere on the body such as the legs, arms, ankles, knees and the face. Those who are epileptic, who have bleeding disorders, are with pacemakers and women who are pregnant may not be considered a candidate for Veinwave. For further information and to determine if this procedure is right for you, consult a vein specialist in the Sioux City area.

The procedure begins with the specialist using a fine, insulated needle to administer the treatment subepidermally. The vessel itself, however, is not pierced. The tiny vessels will be destroyed and should disappear rather quickly, with most procedures taking between 10 and 15 minutes to complete. There are no bandages required following treatment and there is no downtime necessary. Patients are typically able to return to work or resume other normal daily activities right away. Results should be almost immediate after the treatment. Over the next several days, results should continue to improve.

As with just about any procedure, there are possible risks associated with Veinwave, although risks are minimal compared to other vein procedures. There is a very small risk of scarring associated with this treatment and patients should seek consultation with a vein specialist in the Sioux City area to discuss possible risks in greater detail. The treatment provided by this procedure is permanent, meaning once the veins are successfully treated with Veinwave, they will no longer appear. Most find success through just one session of this procedure, although some individuals may require multiple treatments to achieve their goals.

Insurance companies typically consider Veinwave a cosmetic procedure, as many consider spider veins a cosmetic nuisance. In some cases, insurance may cover the cost of spider veins treatment. This is especially true if they appear along with varicose veins that may cause medical problems. Patients should consult their insurance company and a vein specialist in their area to determine if the procedure is covered.

Learn more about Veinwave in Sioux City, Iowa.

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