Using Radiofrequency Energy to Treat Varicose Veins with VNUS

Updated on: August 18, 2014

The VNUS procedure has helped patients in Bakersfield, California and other areas of the country find relief from varicose veins resulting from superficial venous reflux. The purplish or bluish appearance of varicose veins and their bulging appearance make them an unattractive cosmetic nightmare for many patients, while the pain and heaviness they may cause may make them a medical concern as well. If you have varicose veins, consulting a vein specialist in your area regarding VNUS may be a worthwhile endeavor.

This is an outpatient procedure that may be performed in a doctor's office, surgical center or in a hospital. There is no general anesthetic required, making this an attractive alternative to surgical options to remove varicose veins. It is minimally invasive and only about a day of downtime is required before patients are able to return to work or other normal activities. In fact, patients are often encouraged to walk and resume their normal activities after the procedure. Strenuous activities should be avoided for about five to seven days, however.

To perform this procedure, the leg is first cleaned and a local anesthetic is injected in the thigh area around the area just above the knee. A small needle is then inserted into the vein and a catheter is guided through it. Ultrasound visualization is used during this procedure and once the catheter is in place, radiofrequency energy is applied to the vein and the catheter withdrawn. The radiofrequency energy works by heating up the vein, which causes its collapse and the eventual closure of the vein.

A bandage will be placed over the area that the needle was inserted and compression may be provided to keep the area clean. This is a far less extensive procedure than vein stripping and the recovery period is shorter and simpler than that following surgical procedures. There is also less postoperative pain and less bruising associated with VNUS than there is with vein stripping. Some patients may report mild pain during the VNUS procedure, although a local anesthetic is used to numb the skin.

Symptoms typically improve within one to two weeks after the procedure, and the cosmetic effects of the procedure should be evident after about a couple months. There may be minimal to no scarring, bruising or swelling associated with this procedure, although these should resolve within one to two weeks. Other possible risks or complications include vessel perforation, thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, phlebitis, hematoma, infection, numbness, tingling and skin burn. Speak with a vein specialist in the Bakersfield area regarding these possible complications before undergoing treatment with VNUS.

This procedure may not be right for patients with spider veins, as it is intended for treatment of large varicose veins. Those suffering from spider veins are encouraged to seek consultation with a specialist in the Bakersfield area to discuss other possible treatments. This procedure has provided relief to patients of a wide range of ages, so speaking with a specialist before treatment is important in determining if this treatment is right for you.

Learn more about VNUS in Bakersfield, California. .

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