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General Questions

Over the past year, Why have the veins in my upper inner arms become very visible over the past year?
General -2 answers
I'm only 30. I'm average weight (BMI 23) and am not on any medication. What can I do about this? Read more
What is an occlusion in/on the lung?
General -1 answer
A friend is being admitted to the hospital with an occlusion in/on her right lung. Is this a clot or narrowing of a vein or artery of the lung? How do you treat this and what is the prognosis for a 63-year-old ... Read more
I have a varicose vein on my left leg. Is it OK to continue moderate running and weight training which I currently enjoy on a daily basis?
General -3 answers
I had a varicose vein removed (sclerotherapy) from my right leg 9 years ago, and would like this new vein to be treated as well. I am concerned that new varicose veins will keep developing over the years and wh... Read more
I developed really visible veins on both my forefeet. When I walk they disappear but when I stand they are huge and bulking. Where is the problem?
General -2 answers
Vein doctor said there was no reflux and there was nothing to operate. Rheumatologist said I had no rheumatic problem. Plus, when I stand, the skin on my feet turns red and is itching and burning to the point I... Read more
Are large blue/green veins on breasts and forearms normal?
General -1 answer
Are large blue/green veins on breasts and forearms normal? Read more
Since I started getting serious with my climbing training, my forearm veins got really visible. should I train less hard? I am 23, 5ft, 52,3kg. Thanks
General -3 answers
My right arm veins are more visible than the left, I also have one very visible in mi right bicep. Read more
Can lack of excercise alone cause CVI?
General -1 answer
I was diagnosed with CVI a year ago. I’m 52, had 5 pregnancies, varicose veins on feet/ankles, sitting job for 13 years and am in menopause just now. I’ve exercised off and on. My grandma and aunt had DVTs.... Read more
I have extreme tightness and pain in both feet. On the top of right foot it feels like the muscle tightens up and it's painful when I stand. Why?
General -1 answer
I have extreme tightness and pain in both feet. On the top of right foot it feels like the muscle tightens up and it's painful when I try to stand. It feels like a Charlie horse. It takes a few minutes for the ... Read more
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What is the best treatment for peripheral neuropathy in the leg below knee and feet, as well as finger tips? Mine is drug induced chemo drugs.
General -2 answers
I have peripheral neuropathy from the drug given to counteract the severe side effects of very strong chemo given in spring and summer of 2010. Read more
Do I have varicose veins?
General -4 answers
I have some veins protruding after I take a hot shower, or after being on my feet for a day or after a workout. After a night's sleep, they become barely visible. But once I start my days and be on my feet for ... Read more
I'm an IV user. After injecting in my hand, pain began to travel up my vein. Why is this? Should I be concerned?
General -1 answer
I'm an IV user. After injecting in my hand, pain began to travel up my vein. Why is this? Should I be concerned? Read more
Is it normal for a 6 year old child to have purple spider webbed veins going from their hip up to their ribs?
General -1 answer
There are dark purple veins all over the left hip bone. The veins lighten up the further up they go reaching blue. The veins are mostly all over the hip bone (dark purple) going up to the waist (purple) they th... Read more
I have achy, heavy, burning sensations in my legs. Does this mean I have varicose veins?
General -3 answers
I was recently diagnosed with CVI. My symptoms are achy, heavy and burning sensations in my legs. I realized after a warm shower, by the end of the day or after working out or being upright for a day, I have so... Read more
Are women necessarily more affected by varicose veins than men?
General -1 answer
I got a varicose vein at 18. I worry my daughter will have much stronger varicose veins because of hormones, less muscle, pregnancy, etc. However, I have just read that men are equally affected but are less lik... Read more
Should I take aspirin or blood thinner for a 15 hour flight?
General -1 answer
I have a 15-hour flight in Nov - in a first class seat, luckily. I have CVI with superficial and slight deep vein reflux. I wear 30-40 thigh compression stocking daily. I've never had a procedure done, never h... Read more
I'm a 36 year old female. The warmer it gets the more my veins in my hands pop out and they feel like they're going to burst and they get really red.
General -4 answers
I'm getting so desperate to find a solution. I can't even play with my kids outside or do activities when it's warm or even tie a shoe because my hands feel like they're going to burst. Read more
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