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Chronic Venous Insufficiency Care Questions

Should invasive vein procedures be continued when you have hardening of the skin, gross swelling of the feet and ankles, & discoloration of the skin?
Chronic Venous Insufficiency Care -1 answer
After laser ablation and a phlebectomy, I have gross swelling in my feet and ankles, severe tightness, hardening of my skin, and very red lower legs. Should the doctors proceed with sclerotherapy and removal o... Read more
After having EVLT on the GSV and SSV in both legs, my ankles swell throughout the day, even with compression stockings. Is this normal?
Chronic Venous Insufficiency Care -1 answer
I had 4 EVLT procedures done in the U.S.--Lft GSV July 20, rt GSV July 22, and on July 25 SSV on both legs. I followed all instructions and wore compression stockings for 2 weeks. I have started back my exercis... Read more
Can I have the superficial varicose veins in my feet and legs treated with sclerosant?
Chronic Venous Insufficiency Care -1 answer
I'm 28-year-old male. I had an eco dopler done, and it shows my legs have deep vein reflux. The superficial veins in my legs and feet are becoming varicosed. I was seen by two phlebologists who recommended noth... Read more
It has been 6-8 weeks since my GSV ablation and I have the normal bruising, but within the last couple days a red, sore and warm area has developed.
Chronic Venous Insufficiency Care -1 answer
It's in a different location on my calf than the rest of the bruising and is more painful. I've had this done before and I didn't have this reaction. I wonder if I should have it checked out or wait a little lo... Read more
I am scheduled for a right leg radiofrequency ablation. I have venous insufficiency in the saphenous vein. Had blood clot before.
Chronic Venous Insufficiency Care -1 answer
In 2006, I underwent an artificial lumbar disk implant. This failed causing artificial disk to move into the spine. While surgeon removed the artificial disk implant, he nicked the illiac vein. This resulted in... Read more
I have mixed connective tissue disease and venous insufficiency. I have concerns about my treatment options.
Chronic Venous Insufficiency Care -1 answer
I have MCTD and I dont heal well or quickly. In my left leg i have swelling that only goes away after elevating it for a long time. My doctor said that I have venous insufficiency in both legs. I am concerned a... Read more
Any thoughts on acupuncture or any other alternative treatments, for severe chronic venous insufficiency?
Chronic Venous Insufficiency Care -1 answer
My husband was recently diagnosed with severe chronic venous insufficiency, wondering if there are any alternatives to ablation ? Medication, acupuncture, etc Read more
Is Hirschsprung's disease connected to having a vein insuffiency knowing your body is 80 percent lymphatic?
Chronic Venous Insufficiency Care -1 answer
Is also cancer a trigger to these conditions? Read more
After blood clots my doctor told me that the clot in the gastrocnemius vein has calcified. What does that mean exactly?
Chronic Venous Insufficiency Care -1 answer
I recently had superficial blood clots and small clot (1mm/1mm) in the gastrocnemius vein in my leg. Should I be worried about this? The superficial clots dissolved and the varicose veins causing the reflux/clo... Read more
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Is there treatment for reflux in great saphenous veins only upon standing?
Chronic Venous Insufficiency Care -1 answer
Since pregnancy in 2015, I have hx of pelvic congestion (recently embolized) and mild May Thurner's w/o legs are the greatest source of my pain, and despite very obvious veins throughout my legs (inclu... Read more
I've had 4 DVTs over a 25 year period and now I'm almost 58 years old. I'm having spasms in my "bad" leg at night. Is it related to bad veins?
Chronic Venous Insufficiency Care -1 answer
My leg is always swollen and the spider veins are worsening in the last few years. I wear a full length support stocking at night. I have strange sensations in the leg that feels like things crawling inside. On... Read more
Can you have CVI with ankle discoloration being the only symptom?
Chronic Venous Insufficiency Care -1 answer
My 30 year old son has ankle discoloration (which he noticed during the summer) but doesn't complain of heavy or aching legs. He does stand for his occupation as a pharmacy tech and is somewhat overweight. His ... Read more
What does atrophie blanche mean in relation to CVI?
Chronic Venous Insufficiency Care -1 answer
I have discoloration on my ankle and top of foot and recently noticed a small white center with a little indentation. From looking online, I am wondering if it is CVI with atrophie blanche on my ankle and foot.... Read more
I have recurring DVT in both legs. My groin veins are thrombosed. I have venous eczema, varicose veins, restless legs, burning pain and lymphedema.
Chronic Venous Insufficiency Care -1 answer
I am taking 600mg gabapentin 3 times a day. I have compression stockings knee high. Can you recommend a solution to help with the pain and gain mobility and strength? I exercise at home. Read more
Are my stockings too tight?
Chronic Venous Insufficiency Care -1 answer
I got some custom stockings by a brand called venosan. I got XL in the lowest compression. To knees with open toes. I have venous insufficiency. The thing is they leave a nasty deep red ridge in my feet, ankles... Read more
I've been treated for Chronic Venous Insufficiency; however, my symptoms haven't improved. What else is going on? Why am I still in pain?
Chronic Venous Insufficiency Care -1 answer
I've been diagnosed with vein insufficiency for several years now. I've been treated in both legs. On my right left, I've had Vein Ablation (2 years go) and on the left, I had Sclerotherapy (last year). I sti... Read more
I have history of DVT due to protein C deficiency. My doctor also found both deep vein and superficial leaking. What options do I have?
Chronic Venous Insufficiency Care -1 answer
My doctor says there's no guarantee I will feel better if superficial is treated because of the existing deep vein issue. Read more
What is the difference between the VNUS procedure and the Medtronic Fast Closure procedure? Are these two procedures the same?
Chronic Venous Insufficiency Care -1 answer
Have not had any treatment yet. I just turned 76 and have had pain when walking about a block. I also have a lot of swelling if I'm on my feet all day. My doctor is recommending the Medtronic Closure procedure.... Read more
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