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Hand Vein Treatment Questions

Should I be concerned about my vein problems?
Hand Vein Treatment -7 answers
I was told I have a nodule in my lung but that it isn't big. I recently had heart attack symptoms, my blood pressure dropped to 92/53. The ER said the EKG didn't show a heart attack or stroke but I had all the ... Read more
Why does one of the veins at the back of my left hand bulge, and only in one spot? The bulge is smaller or disappears when I raise my hand.
Hand Vein Treatment -4 answers
Why does one of the veins at the back of my left hand bulge, and only in one spot? The bulge is smaller or disappears when I raise my hand. No redness or discoloration; however, after doing research online, I f... Read more
When I slide over the vein on my hand from wrist to finger, the vein is gone then pops back up at a certain point. Why is that?
Hand Vein Treatment -4 answers
When I see my vein pop on my hand (knuckle side) I can slide my finger against my vein, and my vein stays like it was still being pushed down until a certain point of sliding. Why is that? Read more
The veins in my hands and calf protrude and become very large, especially when it's hot. Why? What can I do about it?
Hand Vein Treatment -3 answers
I am a female in my mid-twenties. I do not work out. When I feel hot, my veins protrude and become very large. It feels uncomfortable to use my hands, and I constantly have my arms raised or hiding my hands. I ... Read more
Do I need an ultrasound of the bulging vein in the front of my hand?
Hand Vein Treatment -2 answers
I have a bulging vein on the top of my hand. Would you recommend an ultrasound? Read more
My doctor injected medicine in my hand vein and now I feel pain coming from the inside of my hand, what is it ?
Hand Vein Treatment -2 answers
It just feels like the vein got relocated somehow from the injection. I can't stretch my hand without feeling heavy pain. Please help me. Read more
My arm veins become very dark when my arms are down, almost as if I've been drawn on with marker. Is this normal?
Hand Vein Treatment -2 answers
They don't bulge but are very visible and seem to darken very fast. My hand veins are almost gross because they bulge so much. I had a baby in June and was transfused. Since then my veins have seemed huge (the... Read more
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Will bulging hand veins become permanent?
Hand Vein Treatment -2 answers
My veins have started to bulge quite a bit when my hands are down, but seem to go back to normal when my hands are above my heart. Why are they now doing this? Will they eventually permanently bulge? Can I p... Read more
When practicing hot yoga, why do my hands turn white?
Hand Vein Treatment -2 answers
I am 27 years old and female. When I am in yoga class and having to hold a pose for sixty seconds (when my hands are raised above my head), it seems that all the blood drains from my hands and goes to my head. ... Read more
My veins bulge and are more prominent now. Is there a chance they will go back to a normal size? What treatment to take?
Hand Vein Treatment -1 answer
Hello, I'm worried about my arm veins. They are bulging and more prominent now. I'm a 35-year-old tall and slim woman. I have a one-year old boy who I often carry on my arms. I exercised regularly at home for a... Read more
My grandfather is 70 yrs old. Recently his hands have been swelling from fingers to wrist. Can this be cured?
Hand Vein Treatment -1 answer
He had surgery in the last year. He is diabetic which is under control. Our doctor said it was an infection which can be cured by taking a dosage of antibiotic injections. Is this problem life threatening or a... Read more
I’d just like some advice really. I began experiencing a numbness in my foot in Sept. 2017.
Hand Vein Treatment -1 answer
This got worse at night and I now have red patches under the skin that come and go in hot and cold. I have pins and needles when I put pressure on my feet. I've had ear problems since Sept. with blocked eustati... Read more
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