Kenneth Ouriel, MD

Kenneth Ouriel is a prominent vascular surgeon and medical researcher. He has published widely in scientific and medical journals and is notable for treating former presidential candidate Bob Dole for an abdominal aortic aneurysm in 2001. In the middle 2000s, Ouriel went to Dubai as CEO to help build a "world class hospital" there he treated several prominent Middle Eastern rulers in addition to his administrative duties. In 2009, he was Senior Vice President and Chief of International Operations at New York-Presbyterian Hospital. He is 'regularly billed among America's top surgeons" according to one report.

Additional Articles by: Kenneth Ouriel, MD

Large Vein Occlusion: From VEITHsymposium

This article is one of four stories that highlights the venous components covered at the November 2014 VEITHsymposium. Here are the remaining three articles that highlight what was...