I am a flight attendant. Do compression stockings make a difference if you use them while walking and standing for long periods of time?

Is it true that compression stockings are of no use if they are used when walking and standing for long flights? I was told that they only work if you are going on a long flight and are sitting, not standing and walking around.

Answers from doctors (16)

Advanced Vein Center

Published on Mar 26, 2019

No, it is not true that compression stockings have no use when walking and standing for long periods. It is quite the opposite. Standing is as hard on your veins as sitting. Gravity is gravity, and it flows downward. Compression stockings aid in the flow of the blood back to the heart by preventing as much pooling of the blood. Your legs will feel lighter and you'll be more energetic on those flights.

Answered by Advanced Vein Center

No, it is not true that compression stockings have no use when walking and standing for long periods. It is quite the opposite. Standing is as hard on your veins as sitting. Gravity is gravity, and it flows downward. Compression stockings aid in the flow of the blood back to the heart by preventing as much pooling of the blood. Your legs will feel lighter and you'll be more energetic on those flights.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Lincoln Surgical Group

Published on Feb 04, 2015

Yes, compression stockings are very good for you while walking and standing for long periods of time especially in flight. It will decrease your chances of a blood clot. Any chance that you can get up and walk around during the flight, is also good of for your blood flow also.

Answered by Lincoln Surgical Group

Yes, compression stockings are very good for you while walking and standing for long periods of time especially in flight. It will decrease your chances of a blood clot. Any chance that you can get up and walk around during the flight, is also good of for your blood flow also.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Vascular Center and Vein Clinic of Southern Indiana

Published on Feb 02, 2015

Compression stockings will not only decrease your risk of deep vein thrombosis, but will also decrease leg swelling and provide relief while traveling on long flights.

Answered by Vascular Center and Vein Clinic of Southern Indiana

Compression stockings will not only decrease your risk of deep vein thrombosis, but will also decrease leg swelling and provide relief while traveling on long flights.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Coastal Vein Institute & Aesthetic Center

Published on Jan 30, 2015

Yes, compression stockings can certainly make a difference. For those whose profession requires prolonged periods of standing (or sitting in one position), compression stocking use can provide significant benefit. First, they help to combat the normal swelling and fluid accumulation that these circumstances lead to. As a result, your legs will feel lighter and more energetic at the end of a long shift. I wear them when I will be on my feet for a full day in the OR.

Answered by Coastal Vein Institute & Aesthetic Center

Yes, compression stockings can certainly make a difference. For those whose profession requires prolonged periods of standing (or sitting in one position), compression stocking use can provide significant benefit. First, they help to combat the normal swelling and fluid accumulation that these circumstances lead to. As a result, your legs will feel lighter and more energetic at the end of a long shift. I wear them when I will be on my feet for a full day in the OR.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Mercy Imaging Centers

Published on Jan 29, 2015

They are effective and beneficial in either case. Whoever told you they were superfluous while standing/walking was misinformed.

Answered by Mercy Imaging Centers

They are effective and beneficial in either case. Whoever told you they were superfluous while standing/walking was misinformed.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

More About Doctor Laser Vein Center

Published on Jan 29, 2015

Compression stocking provide benefit when you are sitting, standing and walking. The same benefit is achieved as long as you are wearing them. Walking around provides a separate additional benefit.

Answered by Laser Vein Center (View Profile)

Compression stocking provide benefit when you are sitting, standing and walking. The same benefit is achieved as long as you are wearing them. Walking around provides a separate additional benefit.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Vein Center of Louisiana

Published on Jan 29, 2015

They definitely do. A 15-20mmHg is a good compression for everyday wear!

Answered by Vein Center of Louisiana

They definitely do. A 15-20mmHg is a good compression for everyday wear!

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Lakeshore Veins and Wellness

Published on Jan 29, 2015

Compression stockings are definitely helpful on long flights no matter what your activity level. Compression helps reduce leg swelling and decreases the size of the veins, helping the valves function better. This goes regardless of whether you are sitting, standing or walking. Many athletes have started wearing compression stockings during activity, as they feel it helps with performance and recovery. I wear compression stockings daily and most of my day is spent standing and walking. My legs thank me at the end of the day.

Answered by Lakeshore Veins and Wellness

Compression stockings are definitely helpful on long flights no matter what your activity level. Compression helps reduce leg swelling and decreases the size of the veins, helping the valves function better. This goes regardless of whether you are sitting, standing or walking. Many athletes have started wearing compression stockings during activity, as they feel it helps with performance and recovery. I wear compression stockings daily and most of my day is spent standing and walking. My legs thank me at the end of the day.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Bellagio Vein Clinic

Published on Jan 29, 2015

No, that's not true. Compression stockings are helpful and necessary to prevent venous diseases whenever you are 1) walking and standing for long flights, 2) sitting for a prolonged period of time, 3) doing heavy leg exercises such as hiking, leg presses, squats, etc. In general, they also help prevent incidents of DVT (deep vein clots), so please use them whenever you can. However, you do not need them if you are laying down or have your legs elevated.

Answered by Bellagio Vein Clinic

No, that's not true. Compression stockings are helpful and necessary to prevent venous diseases whenever you are 1) walking and standing for long flights, 2) sitting for a prolonged period of time, 3) doing heavy leg exercises such as hiking, leg presses, squats, etc. In general, they also help prevent incidents of DVT (deep vein clots), so please use them whenever you can. However, you do not need them if you are laying down or have your legs elevated.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

NE Laser Vein Institute LLC

Published on Jan 29, 2015

Compression stockings do help with standing, sitting or walking, especially on long flights where your movement is restricted. If you have varicose veins, the stockings provide temporary relief but do not treat the problematic veins.

Answered by NE Laser Vein Institute LLC

Compression stockings do help with standing, sitting or walking, especially on long flights where your movement is restricted. If you have varicose veins, the stockings provide temporary relief but do not treat the problematic veins.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

The Sheen Vein Institute

Published on Jan 29, 2015

The answer to your question is yes and no. Yes, compression stockings do help minimize the swelling and discomfort associated with prolonged standing and walking. No, in that compression stockings have been found to decrease a person's risk of developing a deep vein thrombosis only when the person is supine or sitting. They have no real benefit in regards to DVT prophylaxis when the person is ambulating.

Answered by The Sheen Vein Institute

The answer to your question is yes and no. Yes, compression stockings do help minimize the swelling and discomfort associated with prolonged standing and walking. No, in that compression stockings have been found to decrease a person's risk of developing a deep vein thrombosis only when the person is supine or sitting. They have no real benefit in regards to DVT prophylaxis when the person is ambulating.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Vascular Clinics of Northeast Georgia

Published on Jan 29, 2015

How much you benefit from compression stockings is very much dependent on the symptoms you are trying to control. Pain from bulging veins may respond better than leg swelling for example. In general, stockings can work whether you are standing or sitting, or are up and walking around. The best time to put on your stockings is first thing in the morning before gravity starts to trigger your symptoms.

Answered by Vascular Clinics of Northeast Georgia

How much you benefit from compression stockings is very much dependent on the symptoms you are trying to control. Pain from bulging veins may respond better than leg swelling for example. In general, stockings can work whether you are standing or sitting, or are up and walking around. The best time to put on your stockings is first thing in the morning before gravity starts to trigger your symptoms.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

General Vascular Surgery Group

Published on Jan 29, 2015

Stockings are very helpful when standing since leg venous pressures can be highest when standing.

Answered by General Vascular Surgery Group

Stockings are very helpful when standing since leg venous pressures can be highest when standing.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Palmetto Vein & Aesthetic Center

Published on Jan 29, 2015

Here at Palmetto Vein & Aesthetic Center, we are unaware of any peer-reviewed medical journals making claims that compression hose/stockings are ineffective when in use while performing any specific activity. Specifically, all medically supported journals of which we are aware make quite the opposite claim stating that it is recommended to wear them throughout the day regardless of one's activity. I hope this has been helpful.

Answered by Palmetto Vein & Aesthetic Center

Here at Palmetto Vein & Aesthetic Center, we are unaware of any peer-reviewed medical journals making claims that compression hose/stockings are ineffective when in use while performing any specific activity. Specifically, all medically supported journals of which we are aware make quite the opposite claim stating that it is recommended to wear them throughout the day regardless of one's activity. I hope this has been helpful.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Vanish Vein and Laser Center

Published on Jan 29, 2015

Compression stockings work by increasing the venous return to the heart and reducing the backup of venous pressure into the legs. They work at ALL times. Walking also increases the venous return, and walking with compression stockings works better than either one alone.

Answered by Vanish Vein and Laser Center

Compression stockings work by increasing the venous return to the heart and reducing the backup of venous pressure into the legs. They work at ALL times. Walking also increases the venous return, and walking with compression stockings works better than either one alone.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Advanced Vein and Laser Center, Inc.

Published on Jan 29, 2015

Compression stockings are useful for the improvement of venous return as well as relief of symptoms associated with venous return problems. Symptoms and signs of venous sufficiency include the sensation of heaviness, aching and fatigue while standing or sitting for significant periods of time. Compression stockings are therefore of benefit whenever your legs are below your heart. Compression stockings will assist in venous return and therefore reduce the symptoms of venous insufficiency.

Answered by Advanced Vein and Laser Center, Inc.

Compression stockings are useful for the improvement of venous return as well as relief of symptoms associated with venous return problems. Symptoms and signs of venous sufficiency include the sensation of heaviness, aching and fatigue while standing or sitting for significant periods of time. Compression stockings are therefore of benefit whenever your legs are below your heart. Compression stockings will assist in venous return and therefore reduce the symptoms of venous insufficiency.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

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