Cast Your Vote - Looking Forward to AVLS 2020

Join the AVLS in Washington, D.C. on October 15 - 18, 2020

As the 2020 election year is in full swing, we are reminded of the importance of our voices. On October 15-18, 2020, the American Vein & Lymphatic Society (AVLS) will bring together the venous and lymphatic community in Washington, D.C. with programming focused on interactive discussion.

The AVLS 2020 Annual Congress Chair, Dr. Margaret Mann, MD, FAAD, FAVLS has assembled a team of leaders in venous disease, lymphedema, and wound care to present an in-depth series of sessions beneficial to all experience levels of medical practice. The theme, “Cast Your Vote,” is exemplified in the daily general sessions focused on live patient scanning, interactive discussions with the audience, and live polling of the audience through the event app. Dr. Steve Elias, MD, FACS, FAVLS will be planning the Cast Your Vote general sessions alongside Dr. Mann.

The practical sessions will run concurrently in the mornings and afternoons of each day. Drs. Robert Worthington-Kirsch, MD, FSIR, FSIR, FCIRSE, FAVLS, RVT, RPVI, and Vineet Mishra, MD, FAAD, FAVLS are planning the Superficial Vein sessions. The Deep and Pelvic Vein sessions will be arranged by Drs. Kathleen Gibson, MD, and Antonios Gasparis, MD. After a successful program in 2019, Dr. Steven Dean, DO, FACP, RPVI will return to plan the Lymphedema content alongside Dr. Paula Donahue, DPT, MBA, CLT-LANA. The Allied Health program is chaired by Jessica Ochs, PA-C, and Sarah Whitehead, ARNP. Annual Congress Vascular Medicine chairs are Drs. John Fish, MD and Marcus Stanbro, DO. Leading the Vascular Ultrasound program will be Donna Kelly, RVT, RPhS, RDMS, and Marresa Houle, BS, RVT, RPhS, RDMS. Dr. M. Mark Melin, MD, FACS, RPVI, FACCWS is preparing the Wound Care content. Dr. Joseph Raffetto, MD, FACS, FSVM is overseeing the Emerging Science abstract program. New for 2020, Drs. Yung-Wei Chi, DO, FAAHA, FSVM, FAVLS, and Neil Khilnani, MD, FSIR, FAVLS will plan special content for Residents and Fellows training in venous and lymphatic medicine.

In addition to four days of educational content, the Foundation for Venous & Lymphatic Disease (FVLD) will host the Congress Expedition on Wednesday afternoon, a Sunrise Yoga session led by Susie Schul on Thursday morning, the FVLD Gala (a black-tie optional event on Friday evening), and the Fun Run & Walk on Saturday morning all to support and raise awareness for venous and lymphatic disease.

Cast Your Vote with the AVLS in Washington, D.C. this October. Learn more and register at