VIVA 16 Review and Looking to 2017

For the past 14 years, VIVA has delivered excellence in professional education by offering attendees an innovative, provocative, and balanced educational experience. Enhanced by the opinions of all specialists and stakeholders who touch the vascular patient and the use of cutting edge educational technology, VIVA provides a lively interactive learning environment.

In 2016, world-renowned domestic and international faculty challenged attendees and each other by critically evaluating new, evolving therapies and innovations as well as engaging in stimulating discussion on the year’s most challenging cases. VIVA participants learned from one another in an environment that truly supports camaraderie. VIVA did not shy away from the tough issues, and with our colleagues from regulatory and reimbursement organizations, VIVA continued to expose obstacles and limitations in the care of vascular patients.

With a New Year beginning at VIVA, there comes new learning venues and formats, intense and focused education, the latest in advance technology and more. VIVA 17 will take on more global live cases, the latest clinical data presentations, roundtable discussions, and live audience and virtual participation than ever before. In 2017, VIVA has new, intensive sessions on hot topics such as: critical limb ischemia, venous disease, aortic disease, and pharmacoRX. VIVA 17 will continue to push vascular education to new heights with world-renowned faculty and multispecialty attendee interaction. Join us on September 11-14, 2017 at Wynn Las Vegas for a thrilling meeting of vascular medicine and intervention! Registration opens March 2017.

The VEINS at VIVA Gets Noticed and Returns in 2017

The VEINS at VIVA returned for a second time at Wynn Las Vegas, sponsored by VIVA Physicians. This multispecialty, comprehensive symposium provided an in-depth look into this rapidly evolving field. From diagnosis and management strategies for superficial venous disease to the challenges of intervention for deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary emboli, the VEINS provided new information to help you care for these complex patients.

Course director, Raghu Kolluri, MD, is excited to see the interest in venous stents and superficial venous disease increasing. With pulmonary embolism representing the highest death rate of hospitalized patients and DVT episodes outnumbering heart attacks or strokes in the U.S. annually, it is now more important than ever to be at the forefront of new, state-of-the-art technologies. The VEINS course successfully did that in 2016, with interactive sessions, hands-on workshops, and multispecialty faculty. For the first time, the VEINS added a new wound care session that was extremely well-attended and answered the tough questions about the disease process.

In 2017, the VEINS will return as a full day and a half educational symposium on acute and chronic venous diseases, and will offer a comprehensive analysis of critical issues facing vascular specialists today. Now that venous disease is getting noticed, the VEINS at VIVA remains a leader of venous disease education and intervention. See you on September 10-11, 2017 at Wynn Las Vegas, where education and experience go hand-in-hand! Registration opens March 2017.