Practice Management

Search Engine Optimization and the Role of Content

by Bettina Kina The ever-changing landscape of search engine optimization (SEO) would make quite the dramatic daytime soap opera. Just when you think you are in a stable, loving relationship with your website’s SEO...Continue Reading

Approach it Like a Game of Monopoly

by Christa Nuber SEO. Tweets. Hashtags. SEM. These are digital marketing buzzwords you have heard at some point as you walked by a marketing consultant in an exhibit hall. While all these marketing buzzwords represent el...Continue Reading

5 Pitfalls to Avoid When Choosing a Website Vendor

In today’s interconnected world, having an online presence is fundamental to building a brand. Without a website, you risk losing a significant amount of business—one survey reported that 85% of consumers find...Continue Reading

Editor's Note: Red Tape Tango

Yes, we’re all feeling it. It’s a sticky situation—the red tape that regulates our daily lives is also what keeps us moving together in a forward direction. It’s a sort of red tape tango where the...Continue Reading

The Key to a Successful Social Strategy: Market to Your Target Audience

Define Your Goals Before diving into the social media world, let’s define your purpose. If you’re like most other healthy medical practices, one of your primary goals is to acquire more patients. But to reach...Continue Reading

A Hodgepodge of Issues Surrounding Reimbursement

by Joseph Zygmunt, RVT, RP hS, and AJ Riviezzo, MBA VEIN Magazine Winter 2014 FREE CONSULTATIONS “Hey, I saw an ad in the paper for a ‘free vein consultation.’ I think I want to do that too—it w...Continue Reading

3 Useful Tips for Marketing to Older Adults

As a reader of this magazine, you know that with age comes an increased risk for varicose veins. And as new treatments come on to the market at a time when people seem to be aging in reverse, many of you are seeing more p...Continue Reading

Absurd Vein Care: Can We Fix It? A Roundtable Discussion

Edited transcript from August 2015, Vein Magazine round table discussion on the ethics of treating venous patients. Expertly moderated by: Thomas O’Donnell, MD, Benjamin Andrews Professor of Surgery (Emeritus), T...Continue Reading

Vein Center Accreditation Falls Short of Curbing Over-Utilization: More Patient Advocacy is Required

I started my career in 1999. As a board certified surgeon, I had no abiding interest in venous insufficiency. The procedure I used to treat venous insufficiency was vein stripping, which at that time was done in the ope...Continue Reading

Time to Get Tradigital

If you’ve read the title, you’re probably wondering what “tradigital” even means. Tradigital refers to the melding or integration of the traditional and computer-based (digital) methods used to cre...Continue Reading